Thursday, March 22

The Return of the Blog

Ok I know the four of you probably thought this blog was done. Well not quite yet. Over the weekend I received a letter that reminded me why I started this blog. It was from a gentlemen in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada who wanted to know all about Joe's because he is thinking of doing something very similar. I get these type of letters fairly frequently so I started a blog to help address all those wonderful questions out there about Joe's. But I am finding I am not a very good blogger. Maybe I should recruit a volunteer to do my blogging for me.

The letter has a lot of good questions so I am just going to pull from it for content. On to the first question...

Do you think it works because of the university culture there? I would have to say yes to that one. The fact that the Old Town area of Fort Collins can support so many coffee shops is proof to that. For a town of around 130,000 people we have an amazing concentration of coffee shops around the intersection of Mountain and College Avenue. I did not see this many when I was in Downtown Seattle. So it works on the basic demand for coffee level.
It also works on a volunteer pool level. Most of our volunteers are university students. A college schedule allows one to give four hours a week to volunteer at a coffee shop.
And it also works on a church in a coffee shop level. (Or coffee shop in a church if you will.) Just today we had some visitors in from the U.K. and they commented on how this is very unusual for an American church. And I have often heard that 144 S. Mason has a very European feel to it. I believe it is the university that allows the people of Fort Collins to be open and accepting of that.
Now does all this mean that Joe's would not work in a college town? I don't know. Maybe one day I will get the chance to find the answer to that question.

1 comment:

Shari Schwarz said...

Good to see you're back! Keep it comin'
