Wednesday, September 26

More Q&A

A week or so ago Steve asked: "What's it like making so many people happy with their warm coffee drinks every single day? And what would you do if I hypothetically one day were to order an Irish Coffee?"

It is hard to describe what it is like. I do look forward to a solo shift on the bar because it is a chance to perfect my drink making skills. Summer is tough because so many people order iced drinks and there is not much art in that. I really like when someone orders a 12oz for here latte. Mostly because it gives me a chance to practice my latte art. And it is nice to see how something as simple as latte art can really add something to someone's day.

And I am thankful that I do get to make people happy via coffee drinks. I am continual amazed by the conversations and connections I make with people over that coffee bar. One day we will have bar stools to make that an even better experience.

On to the next question...

If you were to order an Irish Coffee I think I would make you a coffee and simply direct you next door to Dempsey's and let them hook you up with the Irish part.

Wednesday, September 19

Turkish Coffee

So we had a reader inquire "Can Everyday Joe's serve Turkish Coffee?"

The logistics of preparing Turkish Coffee are what prevent Joe's and most shops from offering it. Traditionally it is heated using the desert sands of the Mediterranean, not on option. Most people not living in or near the Mediterranean region of the world use a gas stove instead. Everyday Joe's does not have a gas stove or anything similar. So Turkish Coffee is not an option here at 144 S. Mason.

Click here if you want to see how Turkish Coffee is brewed and why Joe's can not pull it off.

Wednesday, September 12

Iced Cappuccino

The Iced Cappuccino is a drink rich in history. No one is exactly sure when the formal meetings began but once a year, every year, there is a very important meeting in Atlantis. The guest list includes but is not limited to Big Foot, Santa Clause, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, and honest politicians, just to name a few. They all gather and discuss the next years activities and the pros and cons of being fictional characters. The official drink of this important meeting is the Iced Cappuccino.

For you see there is no such drink as an Iced Cappuccino. Though there are many ideas and thoughts on what a true cappuccino is most agree it involves hot, foamed milk. When someone orders an iced cappuccino what they are really ordering is an iced latte.

Wednesday, September 5


Are there any questions?