Wednesday, April 4

A Sample For You

Ok so here is a sample of the type of email I often get:

I am in Pennsylvania and am wanting to start a non profit coffee house across the street from Faber College to impact the campus. I was wanting to get some more info on what you guys are doing or any tips in getting started.

John Blutarsky

To be honest I do not even know how to best reply to an email like that. That is a very big question they are asking. I have toyed with the idea of a form letter for these types of emails but then that seems a bit arogant. I do want to help other people and like the idea of more places like Joe's being created around the world. I suspect people do not realize what they are asking. And there is not a book to be found on starting a non profit coffee shop. (yet)

On to other news... The walls of Everyday Joe's are bare. They have been for 4 days now. And we who work here everyday all day hear about it constantly. "Where is the art?" people ask. People have grown to depend on it, to need it. I love it. The art here has become such a part of this place. It is noticed the instant it is gone.

Not to worry though. Art is on the way.


Alexander said...

Because life without art, music, and coffee isn't life at all.

Amy said...

If we ever get our designation maybe we should write a book on how to become a not for profit coffee shop? It can include inspirational stories of the day-to-day miracles that happen when you, as you put it, "keep the lights on, the coffee flowing and get out of the way!"