Wednesday, August 29

Joe's Gets a Ferrari

Ok not really.

But Joe's did get a machine that was hand built by Italians, a La Marzocco 3 Group Linea Espresso Machine.

It was probably about a year ago that we realized we needed a new espresso machine. The machine we have used for our first 4 years has served us well but was beginning to show its age. And keeping it running was starting to cost us more than we felt it was worth. So the quest for a new machine began. I even posted about it way back in April. And I find it funny that the picture of a machine I threw in that post is the brand and model we ended up with.

The Linea is known for its power and its simplicity. It has two boiler tanks so the group heads and the steam wands have their own separate source of power. This means better shots and better milk.

The construction of the machine is very simple which means we will be able to do more troubleshooting ourselves.

1 comment:

Maggie Canty said...

So the "Ferrari" turned out to be more of a Geo... breaking down in the first few weeks. Lets keep the old one!
<3 Maggie