Wednesday, November 7

No Bombilla Required

I don't remember exactly when it started but at some point people start asking, "Do you have Mate Tea?" Until a few weeks ago the answer was, "No." But now the answer is , "Yes."

So what is Mate? Good question. Mate is an infusion made from the yerba mate plant. (Us yanks refer to it as "tea.") The plant is from South America and the drink is traditionaly served in a gourd and sipped through a special silver straw, or Bombilla.

Yes mate is caffienated.

And as legend would have it mate was given to the native people of South America by a goddess that came to earth who was attacked by a jaguar. An old man saved her and it return she gave him the gift of a yerba mate plant, telling him that with the plant he could prepare "the drink of friendship."

Here at Joe's we have the very American easy to brew, easy to serve, and easy to drink version. Our's is Pixie Mate, a company in Boulder, and the tea comes in a traditional tea bag. We have a few different flavors so give one a try next time your in the mood for a brewed infusion of a South American plant.

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