Friday, November 3

Everyday Joe's Board of Directors

Everyday Joe's is a not for profit coffee house. What that means is no one here is in it for the money. We are here for the good people. So like most not for profits we are led by a board of directors. Ours currently has 5 members. A President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and a director. I chair the board but I am not a voting member. That is a bit unusual for a board but right now it is working.

We are all in the process of learning what it means to be a board and the board can best suit Everyday Joe's. As an organization Joe's is quite unique and we are kind of writing the book as we go. Part of that is working out the board. On the table right now is the topic of 2007. What do we want Everyday Joe's to accomplish in 2007? That is the big question.

Earlier this year we partnered with Neighbor 2 Neighbor and created a benefit show. Through the silent auction of bird houses painted by local artists and donations at the door we raised about $2000. But that is not the best part. It was more about the event itself. The room was filled with people who would rarely find themselves in the same room. We all had community around great music being performed by Wise Acres and good food from All Occasion Catering. The evening just had a very positive feel to it. And I tell you all of that because that is what Everyday Joe's wants to do more of.

As a non profit coffee house it is hard to measure our success. An organization like Habitat for Humanity could do it by looking at how many houses they build. We do not have anything like that. The sale of coffee is not something we want to focus on. It is important and vital to keeping wind in our sales but it can not be our #1 focus. So the board is thinking that maybe creating events like the N2N benefit could be something to focus on. Because that evening our vision was being 100% fulfilled. We had a meeting last night and that is a big thing to come out of it. We still do not know exactly what that looks like but at least we have a more defined direction.

If you have not read our vision statement here it is:

Everyday Joe’s desires to express the presence of the Living Christ in our community. Our means of doing this is a non-profit coffee house, where fantastic coffee and great live music are simply excuses to connect with people. We strive to be a sustainable, fully disclosed, environmentally & socially responsible buisness model that is an example to churches & secular organizations alike. We hope to be a picture of good stewardship, generousity, & community involvement. We dream of being a source of inspiration & hope to our community through the development of the arts. We strive to be a place where the disconnected can become connected. A place where community is fostered, personal relationships are created, & Love is shown... beginning with the best coffee east of Portland.

I think that is all for now.

Dickens Out.

1 comment:

Shari Schwarz said...

I haven't read the vision statement in some time and am again touched with the depth of the place and what it means