Wednesday, November 22

It's Quiet, But Not Too Quiet.

Currently as I post this it is 3:30PM on the day before Thanksgiving. And right now there are two people besides myself in Everyday Joe's. I suspect most people are already on their way home for the holiday. And if they are not, coffee is not on their minds since this is like a Friday afternoon for most. And Friday afternoons are usually pretty slow around here.

They saw when you can not think of what to write that you should simply write the fact that you can not think of what to write. But does that work in a public forum such as a blog? I am imagine it is pretty boring for the reader if the author is just writing about how he does not know what to write. Part of that for me stems from not wanting to get to mundane in this blog. I do want to share the basics of what goes on here at Joe's but should I write things like; Today I made chai, then I dusted around the counters, they I worked on a new sign? No I don't think that would be very interesting either.

One of the reasons I started this blog is because of all the people I have calling or emailing asking about Joe's. Most of the time it is someone or a group of people who want to do something similar in another part of the country or globe. So maybe for a while I will write as if though I am writing a letter to someone interested in doing what we are doing. But the challenge there is that it involves history. History is very tricky. Especially current history. Joe's was created and launched by a lot of people. And all those people have different ideas and thoughts as to the history of the place and their place in that history. I have been around since March of 2003. That is before Joe's opened its doors to the public but long after the ball started rolling. So I will do my best with the knowledge I have and go from there. I do have the advantage of being the one who is writing the history. As always I am open to feedback and comments from all you who were around here at 144 S. Mason in 2002 and early 2003.

Well fair reader hope you have a good Thanksgiving. Take some time to think about all you are thankful for.

Dickens Out.

1 comment:

Shari Schwarz said...

write on! History is so important and no matter who writes it, it will be a unique perspective. Each perspective is maybe a piece or section to the puzzle of the Everyday Joe's Story. I look forward to hearing from your perspective!