Tuesday, November 7

I Voted!

Today is November 7th and many people coming into the shop are proudly displaying their "I Voted!" stickers. I think most of us are just glad this day is finally here. Tomorrow we will be able to all get on with our lives. Our phones will ring a little less and our mail boxes will not be so full.

Tuesdays at Joe's can be a bit busy and today has been. I was not sure how the election would effect business but if anything it has added to it. Probably a lot of folks downtown who do not usually get down here. I spent the first part of the day behind the bar. After that I did the deposit from yesterday and now here I sit. The shop is pretty quiet at the moment. Lots of laptops, a guitar, and a crossword puzzle. That is what is going down right now.

Yesterday I talked about coffee. Today I thought I might mention tea a bit. Here at Everyday Joe's we have about 28 different kinds of loose leaf tea. For most this is a good thing, for some this is a bad thing. "I just want a tea." is often lamented. We get our tea from The Tea Table here in Fort Collins. It is delivered on a weekly basis. Joe's does carry some retail packs in the shop but if your really out to buy some tea best to go straight to The Tea Table's website.

It is thanks to The Tea Table that Joe's is known for its tea. We have many people who regularly come in to have a fresh cup of loose leaf tea. Lately I have gotten a couple of requests for a tea pot as opposed to bagging the tea. I am currently looking into this. I don't know too much about tea so I am having to educate myself a bit. Did you know we can thank the Boston Tea party for being a coffee drinking nation?

Dickens Out.

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